Weight journey.........doin' it in baby steps!

Monday, November 5, 2007

I've been tagged!!!!

The Rules:
1-Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
2-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
3-Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
4- Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog

Here goes:

1. I hate spders!!! Even pictures of spiders. They give be the goosebumps and I truely am scared of them. Even though I am ten thousand times bigger than them, and know I could squash em easily, I still am terrified of them.

2. I love animals, especially my good buddy Reggie (he's my cat). He sleeps with me every night and is always sitting up waiting for me when I get home late at night. I love him to pieces!!!

3. My biggest pet peev....people who can't drive. You know those folks that get in the left lane and drive way under the speed limit. Get outta my way!!! Or when you get stuck behind someone going slow (two lane road) and you can't pass them!!! Arrrggg!!!

4. I have no really good friend since we've moved out here to Colorado. My life seems to revolve around this thing called a FULL TIME J-O-B!!! Luckily my bestest friend (you all know her as--STRAWGIRL--)from Indy listens to me ramble on every day!!!

5. We just bought a big screen TV yesterday from BestBuy. We have been watching TV on a 27 inch screen FOREVER!!!!

6. I exercise to the series (on DVD) Angel (yes, vampires). I think David Boreanz is HOT---but shush, don't tell my hubby!!!!

7. My favorite TV shows are----Desperate Housewive's, Amazing Race, Lost, Ugly Betty and yes, Survivor (I know, it's a disease!!!)

Here's who I am tagging:








1 comment:

Carolyn said...

David Boreanaz is SO HOT! I miss Buffy. I should start buying up that series. It was a good one. I loved Mark Blucas. Now that is one nice looking man!

Thanks for tagging me, I'm mentally compiling my list and will post when I get home!