Weight journey.........doin' it in baby steps!

Monday, July 7, 2008

So the W/IN

172.2....which I am up .2 from the last time I w'd/in 3 weeks ago. So, considering 4th of July and the Birthday party, not good, but not tooo bad. I plan to post what I eat today later in an update. Still deciding whether to go to the meeting tomorrow morning---I still have 3 passes to use, so I would only have to pay for registration (yet again---they have gotten so much money from me on going back time and time again---this is my hesitation on going.)


Amanda said...

You've been tagged...

Amanda said...

Okay, I tagged you twice. See my blog!

tallmama said...

Only .2 that is awsome! Welcome back :) (though you weren't gone overly long)