Weight journey.........doin' it in baby steps!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Such a LOSER!!!!

Yep....I lost. >>> 2 pounds <<< that is--- on my official first week after rejoining for the umpteenth time. I am hoping to see that number next week. I have decided to buy a bathing suit for motivation. I have checked at some of the stores in town, but it seems as though I missed the boat. I will sometime this week do some poking around on-line to see if I can find something. My weekend (Monday and Tuesday) has been extremely busy and my week is shaping up to be the same.

The weather out here in Colorado is going to be HOT!!!! the next few days. 100 tomorrow. It seems as if this summer has had more hot days than last. I am waiting til it gets back down in the 80's at least. My perfect day would be sunny in the mid 70's.

Anyway, starting the 2nd week today, and hoping to see another 2 pound loss. Then I will be back in the 160's.

1 comment:

MMalloy said...

WOOHOO!! Congrats on the loss, keep this up!