Weight journey.........doin' it in baby steps!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

HOT and NOT SO HOT!!!!

The HOT -So it’s hot in Denver. The temp in mid 90’s. Our BBQ party was last night and I had to cover practically head to toe, so I don’t damage my skin anymore from the sun out here. Sunburn update: Believe it or not, my skin is still red (feet and lower legs). I’m telling you that I got FRIED! So, my face, head, back and shoulders are already either peeling or EXTREMELY itchy.

The Not so HOT- Choices at the BBQ. Meatball sandwiches… YUM and yes I had one. It was small but I ate it. Strawgirl, I know what you mean when you can’t stay out of the pasta salad. This salad had spinach (bonus!) but also had parmesan cheese and other bad stuff I am sure. Cake—big sheet cake that was so moist. I only had a small piece but topped it off with 2 small cookies ( I believe sugar cookies!).

So not the best night, and today is my oldest turns 7. I made an 8″ round stacked cake for him on Friday (froze it to keep it fresh) and we are celebrating this afternoon. I absoulutely love Duncan Hines choc. fudge cake with Duncan Hines French Vanilla frosting. I can only find the frosting back in Indiana (at Meijer’s) so when we are visiting, I go and stock up on this stuff.
Oh, BTW, this is only the “family” party. We will be doing another one in a few weeks when Justin’s friends are back in school and back from vacation. We do year round school here. They go 9 weeks on, three weeks off normally. He finished Kindergarten at the end of May and will start back to school (1St grade) in the middle of July.

Planning to get on the treadmill (regardless of if I am tired from getting up soooo early–3:20 am) NO EXCUSES!!!


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